Let me say something about Jane. She’s part of what makes the system down here work and she works hard at it. Since Cindy is recuperating at a local hotel there is a core group of folks who keep things going. Jane is one of that group. She shops for food too. And when she shops local folks often ask her why she buying so much food.
She responds, ”Well, first let me say that I respect your views and opinions and your right to hold them. I hope you can respect my right to hold my views. [Pause] I’m a peace activist and buying food for our community.”
At this point, the conversation might end or it might end up in Jane handing out one GI Rights Hotline accordion card and a continuing conversation.
Tonight, when we were enjoying Joey and our pizza, Jane stepped outside for a cigarette. Then she came back inside and asked for a few more accordion cards. She was sharing the air and the smoking space (at papa Rollos’ Pizza this includes a porch upon which is parked the back end of a VW bug with seat intact and ready for an experimental butt to try out) with a GI who said he wanted a couple of cards…one for himself and one each for his three friends.
I tell you, Texas GIs are getting educated in their rights…and it is a good thing to see. Today (Friday) we go back to Killen and the entrance to the base to Inform, Educate, and Support GIs.” (Last week a similar action took place at the entrance of
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